Christmas Concert

The Christmas Concert musical for this year is called ‘Is Santa Smarter?’. All students from Kindergarten to Grade 6 will be participating in the performance. The concert will be held on December 21st with one performances at 1:30 pm and the other at 6:30 pm. All students are asked to please attend both. Families are reminded to bring their tickets when attending the concert. We are asking everyone to bring a non-perishable item to be donated to the local food banks. The Kindergarten class will attend school on Tues and Wed of that week to allow the children to be involved in the concert performances.
Christmas Concert Information
Christmas concert practice is underway. The children are looking forward to presenting “Is Santa Smarter?”. Below is a list of costumes requested for each grade. Please have costumes labeled with your child’s name and brought to school by Dec. 12.
Kindergarten - Concert attire
Grade 1 - Pajamas, slippers (optional), stuffed Teddy Bear that child can easily hold
Grade 2 - Green t-shirt that can be decorated (sold at Michaels), star headband (will be made and kept at school)
Grade 3 - Hawaiian clothing (suggestions: grass skirt, lei, flower shirt, shorts, t-shirt, hat, sunglasses, sandals, flip flops)
**the school has 7 grass skirts, let us know if you require one
Grade 4 - Elvis Elf song - elf hats and vests (supplied)
Snowman Stomp song - cargo, camouflage pants or jeans and black shirt (jean jacket or vest optional)
Grade 5-6 Singers - Santa hat (can be purchased at the Dollar Store)
Grade 5-6 cast members:
Santa - costume supplied
Tommy Tinsel - suit jacket(supplied), black pants, white shirt and tie
Children - regular school clothes
Elves - vests and hats (supplied)
We are looking for an Elvis costume for one Grade 4 student. Please let the school know if you are able to help with this item.
Thank you for your assistance with the costumes.
Mrs. Slusar and Ms. Easthope