Halloween 2016-17
Hello everyone,
Please note the following information about the upcoming Halloween events:
1. Due to the connection of clown costumes to traumatic events, as reported in the media, we are banning ALL clown costumes during Halloween activities for the 2016-17 school year. Thank you for taking extra precautions to ensure the safety of our students.
2. We want Halloween to be fun for all of our students and we ask that students make sure costumes aren't too scary. As well, all weapons or other scary accessories that may accompany the costume are not permitted at school.
3. Students will be given time to dress up after the lunch period on Monday. Beginning shortly after 1:00, students will gather in the gym for a Halloween concert, a collection of songs and musical arrangements that have been practiced in music classes. We will end with a school wide monster mash before dismissing students for recess at 2:15. After recess, students will gather in their classrooms for a Halloween party until the end of the day dismissal. Parents are welcome to attend these activities.
Happy Halloween!
Connie Adserballe, Principal